JAN 11 2024
My Journey with Film and Digital Cameras in Landscape Photography
Hello and thank you for stopping by to check out my portfolio and read my blog.
If you have been here before, you will notice that this is a new blog, that the older ones were removed. I wanted to start fresh with a new perspective about my life as a photographer.
I have enjoyed taking pictures ever since I received my first camera: the 1971 Kodak Insta-Matic with the cube flash. Back then, you had to be very choosy when taking a picture because we used film, and the Kodak cartridges only held 12 or 24 exposures. On top of that, you had to drop of your film to be processed.
My next camera was the Minolta X-370 SLR. Purchased in 1985 at a pawn shop after reading a photography magazine. At that time the camera body was sold for $350 without the lens, and I picked up the Minolta X370 WITH lens for $75. I used color slide film, color and B&W T-Max film from Kodak, and Fujicolor film from Fuji.
Through the years, I've owned a few cameras, including a few good cellphone cameras, like the LG 4. I burned that out taking pictures of the full eclipse in 2017, Lincoln City, Ore.
For a while, I owned some very old cameras that I able to find film for and shot a few pictures. My landscape photography came about because i was on the road so often.
Once identified as 'drive-by shootings', I renamed the collection to on the road pictures.
Today, I use the Nikon CoolPix 1600, and an older Nikon 5200,
It's not about the medium that defines who I am as a photographer; it's the passion and dedication I bring to capturing and immortalizing the wonders of nature.
And it is with that passion that I hope you find some inspiration for photography, whether to simply admire and enjoy, or to venture out on your own, and maybe even get inspired after looking at my images.
Thanks for stopping by,